Seeking Playgroup or Preschool for 3 Yr Old Girl in the Sugar Hill Area

Updated on March 20, 2009
M.P. asks from Buford, GA
6 answers

Hi, We are relocating to Sugar Hill from Pennsylvania in April. Can anyone give me some good ideas for palygroups, parks, playgrounds, preschools or anything that will help us find friends for a 3 year old litle girl.

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answers from Atlanta on

We moved to the Suwanee/Forsyth Co area (just over the Chattahoochee river from Sugar Hill) this past summer. What neighborhood are you moving into? Maybe there is a neighborhood mom's group? It has been a great way for me to make friends and for my kids to make friends that are close by. We LOVE our new neighbors and how active everyone is.
The libraries in both Gwinnett Co and Forsyth Co are great and have programs for the kids. There is an indoor public pool w/ slides and playground w/ squirt guns/water falls/tunnels to climb through not too far from sugar hill - Bogan Park. It may be in Buford but just 10 or 15 min from Sugar Hill. Swim Atlanta is a great place for off season swim lessons.

Monkey Joes and Catch Air are indoor playgyms with inflatable bouncers and slides etc. for rainy days.

Check out this webpage:

There are several parks connected by a greenway along the Suwanee River and the play town suwanee is worth the drive. My 3 yr old calls it the "castle park" and requests it on a regular basis.

Hope that is helpful! Lake Lanier is in your backyard so there are lots of fun places associated with the lake as well.
Good luck with your move!



answers from Atlanta on

Welcome M.!!

Sugar Hill is an awesome place to live. We're close to the many parks in Suwanee, the Mall of Georgia and great schools. It's the best of both worlds!

Check out for information on the Buford-Lanier/Sugar Hill chapter of the MOMS Club. You can email them directly at's perfect for meeting other moms in this area. They have organized playgroups and many outings planned for you to pick and choose for you and your daughter to attend. The dues are very reasonable at $20 a year. Enjoy and welcome to the area! R.



answers from Atlanta on

I am a teacher at Buford First United Methodist Preschool on main street in Buford. It is very close to the Sugar Hill Area. This is a very good preschool that is celebrating it's 25th year this May. This preschool has classes for ages 18 months through Pre-k. It has a small family like feeling. I think your daughter would be very happy there.




answers from Atlanta on

Hey M., Welcome to our area. We have been here for 19 years from Connecticut and this is home! We are members of Sugarloaf UMC and they have a wonderful preschool. They have MOPS at Sugar Hill UMC (mothers of preschoolers), the parks are a wonderful way to get to know others. They have a new park right off Suwanee Dam Road that has a beautiful children's area, walk paths, pond, etc. Everyone is so friendly here and it's easy to make new friends. If you need any other referrals, please let me know.



answers from Atlanta on

Check out



answers from Atlanta on

M. we relocated to Sugar Hill from Connecticut 11 years ago. Great place to live! I would highly suggest Sonflower preschool in Sugar Hill/Buford.
Both of our children attended and they loved it! I would also suggest MOPS this is through Sugar Hill United Methodist Church. This is a great way to meet Moms in the area. The preschool we attended was through Church of Christ and was very small, great teachers, great classroom sizes (no more than 10) with two teachers per class. Hours and days were Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays from 9:30-1:30. The prices were reasonable and they let you pack your own lunch for them. I liked that they were home in time for afternoon nap.
I hope this helps.
When your little one is old enough possibly they will attend Sugar Hill Elementry...amazing school, it feels like a private school. Both of my children attend and I am sad to say our oldest is graduating this year.
Good Luck with your move and speaking from experiece. Find a good church and get involved.

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