Dear V., first off do your parents know? There is a clinic in Lamarque called the Four C"s, a branch of UTMB, Call and make an appointment. This is for people with money disadvantages. I went there many years ago and also UTMB high risk prenacy. I have to tell you they were wonderful. I received my counceling and got my check ups, which you should of had by now and be on prenatal vitamins. Get with Medicaid for insurance and also you will be able to be on WIC they provide juices, milk, cereal, cheese, peanut butter and other foods that you will need being pregnany. After the baby is born they will also provide food, formula etc. for the baby and free medical care such as shots, check-ups etc. The department of Human Resourses in Texas City is where you will go to apply for this kind of help. It is nerve racking to deal with but in the long run it will be very much worth it. Please contact me through my e-mail if you need any more information or just some one to load on. Please do this with wic and 4 c' you and your baby deserve it. They will also help you with your schooling. Please take my advice. Good luck J.