Dr. Melissa Kempf - family practice, is very open minded and can help you. She is a certified DAN practicioner - Defeat Autism Now, and while there is great debate about mercury causing autism, and other developmental issues, she has treated the children and if there is a physician in town who can get these, she should be the one.
Stand your ground...the debate is not just with the preservative, but also with the schedule. Do them one at a time, and if you do not have your child in daycare, you should be able to extend the period of time over which the vax are given. Wheat we got over 12 years our children are now being asked to get over 2 -4 years.
You are doing the right thing. I only wish I had known what I know now before my children were born. Don't compromise on this issue. Your son's life, future, and yours are all affected by his health.
One more thing, while pediatricians are great, a family practice doctor is just as well qualified and perhaps more open to understanding the entire family, not just the baby/child. My pediatrician whom I loved was somewhat doubtful about food allergies any my child's health. Until her baby started experiencing the same symptoms mine had, which we had gotten under control with food elimination and diet rotation. I recommend leaving any doctor who tells you food elimination and rotation is not valid and is dangerous for your child - they should be avoided.