As a mom of two little ones I understand your fears and frustration with the overwhelming amount of info out there about vaccines.
The best literature to read should be coming fron reliable sources- not holistic websites. Go to the American Academy of Peds or ask your current board certified pedtrician to explain the studies. Many pediatricians are not comfortable delaying or selecting some over others bc the studies are not there to prove their effects.
As the pediatrician what they did for their kids and why. Then if you are worried about the risk of Autism (which has been shown to have no relation to vaccines) have them show you the literature.
Most importantly, pediatricians who enforce the vaccination schedule do so to protect their patients. Imagine a waiting room with a bunch of unvaccinated toddlers playing around your
newborn who has not been fully vaccinated (the full schedule takes several months). Think of the risk your baby would be under...Do you really want to be sitting in that pediatrician's office?
Where do you live? I know a great female doc in the Media area who is very sweet.
Hope this helps.
J. F.