What part of town do you live in? I assume you have had multiple opinions???
I am trying to find a pediatrician that will help my daughter with her cough. She gets coughing fits in the middle of the night following a fight with congestion. All the doctors tell me is to put a humidifier in the room with her. What? I've already done...for more than two weeks. Each time she gets a cold/cough I go through this. What do y'all do? Who do you go to when your kid really needs some help?
Thanks everyone. I tried a new pediatrician. I explained the situation and she is treating both of my girls. We have sinusitis and a double ear infection.
What part of town do you live in? I assume you have had multiple opinions???
musinex(sp?) gets rid of gunk in the throat, and can lead to more productive coughs. but i also have a son who has allergies, which lead to asthmatic conditions. he is being treated by a chiropractor, and is doing much better. consider this option, it is amazing! pm me if you want some info-
My daughter did this same exact thing and it turned out she had alleries to dustmites which are in bedding. The pedi and allergist put her on breathing treatments for 2 weeks to be given right before bed as well as me laundering ALL her bedding every fortnight and it has worked!! Now she's not on meds but I have to be diligent about laundering her bedding because she lapes back into her cough/congestion at night.
Hi S.,
When either my kids or me or my hubby start to get into a coughing fit with or without congestion, I always turn to good old salt and water gargling. I don't know what it is, but it beats intaking all sorts of meds that usually will make you drowsy and it works. Now, we will from time to time start with the coughing again in the middle of the night, but we just get up and do a little gargling and are able to go back to sleep without the constant nagging of the cough. If it is during the day and the congestion is really bad, a good hot steamy bath always does the trick. Take in big breathes and just have her breathe in the steam. If your in a rush, run the hot water to where your daughter is good with it and cup a hot wash cloth and have her just wash her face. The heat from it always soothes them. Or you can even let the steam fill up the room and sit in the bathroom with her for a few minutes. Sometimes it gets very hot, but it helps just as much as a humidifier. Also a great way to drain any of the loose congestion is using saline drops.
Sometimes cough medicine is not the answer. Antihistimes are sometimes what is needed to stop the post nasal drip causing the cough in the night. By giving an antihistime before bedtime might help. Also, if the child has a reflux, this can cause lots of coughing and that too is handled another way. Find a doctor who will check all of this out.
this may sound nuts, but a friend of mine told me to take a tsp. of honey and mix with a little cinnamon and take it orally. well let me tell you this is one of the best nights sleep I had with my daughter havign aa bad cough. Another thing is rub vicks on wsole of feet and cover with heavy wool socks, this helps a lot. These sound crazy but they will not harm your child and what have you got to loose.
Perhaps, she may be having an asthma attack. My four year old has asthma (coughing) attacks, which I had to find out the HARD way (long story)and it wasn't through my pediatrician. I felt so bad when I found out that's what it was, which is now somewhat control with medicine. Speak with your doctor about this eventually if that's what it is.. it could save her LIFE!!!
P.S. She was seeing the doctor all along when she was sick!
I use Dr. Michael Binder @ UTMB in Friendswood. He's fabulous and my son loves him.
Best of luck!