Dear Tiffany,
This is just my personal opinion and I don't mean to offend, but I have to agree with the moms who are against the reading program.
I have a 3 month old and I think it is more important for her to be learning to communicate her needs, finding ways of moving around, and exploring her new world than trying to "get ahead". Besides, I read recently that statistically the children on these types of advanced reading programs level out with those that weren't on the program by 1st or 2nd grade (sorry, I wasn't able to find the source again). I know you just want the best for your sweet little baby, but I don't think a program that has him studying flashcards or sitting in front of the TV is the answer. His time is much better spent interacting with you.
Here's an interesting website on how to raise a smart kid: http://www.raisesmartkid.com/articles/how-to-raise-a-smar...
Perhaps when he gets older you could help him learn a few simple baby signs. I am talking about basic signs for simple words or feelings such as dog, hot, wet diaper, milk, etc and not the extensive language of the American Sign Language. The book Baby Signs by Acredolo and Goodwyn is very simple and straight forward. These simple signs help babies to communicate and help prevent frustration. And even if the babies don't get ahead in the long run at least they are better able to communicate their needs for several months before they can talk.
That being said...do what you feel in your gut to be right for your little boy.
All the best to you and your baby,