Does anyone have a good alternative doctor to recommend? My elder boys and I have some issues with food allergies/intolerances, intestinal bacteria/yeast imbalance and malabsorbtion - so-called "leaky gut syndrome". Anyone familiar with this?
who diagnosed the "leaky gut syndrome" for you? i'm curious because our naturopath/NAET practitioner diagnosed it and made some dietary changes for us. and we are doing NAET for my daughter's peanut allergy. she said the leaky gut was from antibiotic use....i'd never really heard of it before. the yeast imbalances, she has too. so (for now) we stopped all dairy, yeast products (like bread, pizza)... and cut down on sugars. we just started a few wks ago. so i can't tell you any results yet. maybe we could keep in touch and compare notes? the santa monica homeopathic pharmacy also recommended probiotics (jarrodophilus and ultra bifidus is what my daughter is on), and montiff amino start (to help with the gut probs, leaky gut...).
I don't have someone to recommend to you, but my husband and I did quite a bit of research about this a few years back for some problems he was having. Best advice I can give you is get a juicer and use it. I highly recommend superfood-dehydrated greens-wheatgrass, rye grass, spirulina. You can find it at any health food store. I found this link for you. It gives a lot of good information. The superfood will help build up your immune system. It is a challenge, but you can do it!
Dear P.,
A malabsorbtion syndrome is usually celiac. I think you should have the blood test done on your sons to see if they have this. Have them tested before you try the diet for it, or the test results will not come out correctly. I can't tell from the issues you mentioned if it is it, but doctors often do not diagnose celiac for a long time because they think it is just an intolerance to certain foods and try many other things first. Research shows that it is very frequently misdiagnosed for years. If you do this and the boys have celiac, email me and I can help you with helpful websites and recipes that will make life on the diet much easier for your family.
Trying all kinds of alternatives before finding out if it is this genetic disease can only postpone it and prolong problems.