Well, as a Florida native... I have spent my life with the influx of tourists with their germs and colds. I have NEVER received the flu shot(nor has my toddler son)and I've contracted the flu only once. It's unlikely that I'll be ill with the flu anytime soon because my body actually built up immunity to that strain. The thing is there are so MANY different strains out there that no one can determine which one(s) you'll be exposed to! The vaccine may protect you against the strains that are believed to be the most popular that year. However, if you want to do something to avoid catching the flu virus, concentrate on building up your own immune system. Drink 2 cups of green tea a day, take your echinacea supplement, get enough rest each night, and eat your fruits & veggies.. That will protect you against not only the flu, but any other virus you'd be more suseptible to catching with a less than robust immune system. Also, if you do happen to get the flu just go to the health food store and buy some colloidal silver. It cleared up measles when my friend's daughter had them w/o antibiotics!