Congrats on the up coming baby...not sure about the daycares in your area I never used one. Just a question though have you thought of finding a private caretaker for your child til he gets a little bigger at least. Nothing is wrong with daycare at all I was just wondering sometimes it's a little less expensive and your child at newborn age can get a little more attention. I have been blessed to stay at home with my children because I have occasionally taken on others little ones. There arre a lot of people just like me that are stay at home moms that do this for much less than most daycares for newborns many moms are even willing to discuss cost with you. Just something to think about or look into if you wanted before the baby comes. If your interested at all and want more information please just send me a message. good luck with the new baby and whatever you decide. I wish you the best your gonna love motherhood.