Seeking Indoor 1St Birthday Venue

Updated on April 29, 2009
L.S. asks from San Mateo, CA
4 answers

I am looking for a nice location to host my daughter's 1st birthday that is resonable and kid friendly. Ideally I would like something that will give the little ones a place to play while the adults hang out, etc.. I would need a place to accomodate about 70 people.

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answers from San Francisco on

Your home may be the best location. If you live in an apartment and they have a community room that would work. I think first birthdays should be personal and intimate since they mean so much.. Don't forget the camera. Those milestone pictures count



answers from San Francisco on

Dear L.,

Out of the expected 70 guests, how many are adults and how many are children? If there will be a lot of babies, you will need a place where diapers can be changed and you can expect a lot fussing a crying so there should be a place where parents can take their kids to clam down. (Quiet room)

The excitement and celebration of baby’s first birthday is for the parents and close family and friends. Your baby will not remember a thing. Sounds like you may have a large family and/or extended family? Do you plan to cater this event or have a family potluck? If you have access to a church or lodge hall with a kitchen, that might be the most cost effective way to go. If you have unlimited funds there are a number of restaurants in the area that would welcome your party. Again it would depend on the adult to child ratio to determine the best location.



answers from San Francisco on

You can try the Silliman center. I've used their room a few times. Call them and ask for rates for their game room. The game room is great because adults get to mingle, and and there are small tables/chairs for the kids to eat on. Also, there are games in there with a private restroom.



answers from San Francisco on

Hi L.,
I'm not sure where you live, but if you're nearby, Super Franks in Pleasanton is great and has a wonderful toddler play area, good food, and plenty of space. Other options would be a community center, church, or restaurant that you could rent. Good luck!

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