My two boys trained a little differently. I did the naked thing with both, but leading up to that it was different.
One let me bribe him to sit on the potty with M&M's. Then once he understood where to go, I let run around the house naked with his potty where he could get to it. When he would go I made a huge fuss over him. He did this at home for about 3 months and still wore diapers when we went out b/c he wasn't ready to "tell me" he had to go.
The other child I tried to bribe and the more I asked the more determined he became NOT to go near the potty. Even though he had complete bladder control. I finally kept my mouth shut and one day when it was just me and him at home, I stripped him down, put the potty in the middle of the floor near the TV and didn't say a thing. I let him watch TV and next thing I know he came to find me and "show" me that he went pee pee in the potty. He was so proud! Made a big deal about it and he was completely potty trained in a few days. Once he used the potty he NEVER wore diapers again.
I would recommend NOT using Pull Ups, they treat them like diapers.
My older son had 1 accident, my younger son had two and that was it, they were both potty trained.
I like the naked method, then they don't have to worry about getting their clothes off in time, just getting to the potty.