Seeking GP in Circle C Austin

Updated on March 14, 2009
D.C. asks from Austin, TX
4 answers

Hi everyone, we have just moved here and are looking for a general Pract. Suffering from allergies already (one week in!!). Any recommendations? What is the closest to Circle C (Slaughter Lane/Brodie.
Thanks all,

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So What Happened?

Thanks - ended up at ARC and they were great! Great to know you guys are out there providing this help!

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answers from Austin on

We just moved here in December and my husband's co-workers recommended Austin Regional Clinic ( They have pediatricians and family practice doctors. If you go to the website, you can choose a location (there is a Brodie Ln location, which is actually where we go) and then call their office. Everyone is really nice and takes very good care of you. Hope you find a doc you like! BTW, I grew up in KS and moved to Texas a year or so after college when I got married. We were in the Houston area first and now Austin. What part of KS did you move from?



answers from Austin on

Hi D.,
I can't suggest a GP but,i can suggest an allergy medicine that my family takes and works wonders and very inexpensive.My family suffers from allergies from Jan.till mid May, we've have severe allergies for the last 5 years to the point were i now have astha due to them.Doc said due to my age 36 that allergies can cause asthma in adults later in life.I've tried pretty much everything the doc has prescribed for allergies and in time my body would get immune to it and would'nt work. I started to try over the counter house brands from HEB.I found the housebrand to be the best affective and so inexpensive. Its called
Allergy Relief its a tiny non drowsy Loratadine 10mg tablet.It covers snezzing,runny nose,itchy watery eyes,itchy throat or nose. It's in a babyblue and dark blue box w/a white line down.It cost less than $10 for 30 tablets. I call it a miracle pill. I take one tablet every 24 hours and sometimes 2 when i haven't taken them in a couple of days. Maybe you would like to try these before you go to the doc and spend $$$$$.Good-Luck and i welcome your family to Austin!!!



answers from Austin on

I go to Rawah Tannous at Austin Regional Clinic at Brodie and Wm Cannon. She's Syrian and very cool, quiet and to the point. They had a pediatric office attached to the Main office for the kiddos. I am not all that fond of big box-store type medical clinics, but they are close and it gets the job done when I am ill or injured.



answers from Austin on

I don't know a GP, but Dr. Tom Smith at Austin Diagnostic Clinic is fabulous for allergies!

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