I know you have a lot of kids of your own... perhaps the older one's go to school?
(1) A quick and sure way for extra income, is baby-sitting.
I did that when I had my first child until she went to school and before I had my 2nd child.
You can either do it for all day hours, or just night-time, or just "drop off" care (ie: for Moms who need someplace to put their kids for only a couple of hours when they have appointments or just want a break). And it is up to you whether to charge per hour, or a flat rate.
You charge what you want, of course whatever is the going rate in your area, or under-cut the rates a little in order to gain clients.
Or course, this takes research. Or you can do it for your friends whom you already know. Thereby, not allowing "strangers" into your home. That is what I did. You'd want to background check anyone you do not know. And you'd want to have a "Contract" of some sort, to release you of liability and to state your 'rules' and so forth.
Each state is different... and you'd have to research it. It takes time.
But a short cut to that, is to just offer your babysitting to people/relatives you already know....
Anyway, babysitting is something people always 'need.'
(2) Or, you go to your children's school.. .and see if they have any positions available on campus. And, if they have some sort of preschool thing for your youngest child, then you'd have All your kids at the same school... plus being on their same 'calendar' schedule, and being able to see them too.
Good luck to you... this is a topic that all Moms want to know about.