I remember when my DD was too big for her chairs and too big for her bouncer and I had no idea how to take a shower too! I used to try to get up early and sneak in, or if I had to wait till her nap time (I stay home so usually not a problem). I dont think that your son is too big for a jumper thing though, why not bring that into the bathroom w/ you and he can bounce around. I am not talking about the one that goes in the door frame, but the one that is stationary and they have different toys on it and can move in a circle from station to station, that is what I used. Once she became too big for that I got the best advice: I put toys in the bathroom (she was then walking) and I got a clear shower curtain so we could both see each other and she plays while I shower. we still do this and it has been fablous! yeah I get no privacy, but she is 18 mo so it is not a big deal. good luck!