I had the tupperware kids cups with the cover that is like a sippy cup that I started using when I was getting them off the sippy cup it doesn't make such a mess when they tip it up but it is like useing a regular cup cause it doesn't have the stoper on it or you can try not putting the stopper thing on the sippy so he knows how it will be comeing out when he isn't useing a cup with out a cover. So you are not likeing Germany to much the only thing that I don't like about it is it rains to much that is when I went and bought rain coats and boots so that when it isn't cold and windy we could still go out side and play in the puddles. If you are in houseing are are in one of the 4 story buildings and had a loud nieghber I've been thier, we got lucky and they passed a law that we could move into a 3 bedroom and out of the 2 bedroom and got away from that guy, and got lucky and we was around people that also had kids so they wasn't blairing thier radio at midnight. Don't feel bad if you don't know German not many of us due I'm trying to learn so I can talk to my nieghbors that isn't americans. I live off base and loveing it.