I feel for you! I too have a strong willed 4 year old. I notice he melts down, more extreme, when he is tired or hungry. Watching those two things inparticular has helped. I have also started talking to him once he calms down about his behavior and letting him know it is unacceptable. I also "warn" him prior to an event I know causes a melt down. If it is getting dressed, maybe try talking to her before you start getting dressed and explain to her the consequence if she acts up or has a tantrum. If he throws a tantrum in the evening (6:30 or after) it then becomes bedtime. That has made a BIG impact on him. If he throws a tantrum prior to an event (like going to the movies or a play date) I warn him it will result in not doing the event - then if he continues, we don't go. I have only had to cancel plans twice and now he knows I mean it and controls his tantrums much better. Stick to it and don't give him. It's not fun, but I have really seen a change in him.