Dear A.,
I don't know about anything going 'quickly' with kids - but there is a great tip on potty training on
It really worked for my 7 kids!
By the way - Who's in the hurry? Is it you or your husband? I do remember feeling that it seemed to take an armload of forbearance at the time, but each experience made me a more patient person eventually. Don't worry - It will all be over too soon, and then you'll wish you'd taken more time! Take my advice - I'm not using it! My kids are now grown now, and many's the time I wish I could go back and slow down, instead of rushing ahead. Now I realize how important those days were - but you can't go back. Enjoy it while you can! Just think of it as a NEW kind of adventure for you - more important than any travel you will ever do!
Also - Don't worry - every mom feels frustrated at times. No one ever tells you how hard it is going to be. Maybe you just need a little break from the in-laws or some time by yourself. There's nothing wrong with you for needing that! But don't give up - there is light at the end of the tunnel! And tell your husband that TOO!