My 13 month daughter started doing this about 2 weeks ago, she understands no too and would throw herself on the ground and cry (well not really cry--its more of a whine) well I started ignoring her when she did that and she hasn't done it hardly at all anymore, she used have temper tantrums 5-6 times a day now she only does it once or not even at all. She now just walks away and goes to another toy or object that she knows she can play with, when you give them the attention they want they will continue to do it because they know that you will give them that attention and it will continue to get worse (my 7 year old brother to this day has tantrums because my mom spoils him and after a min of him crying or kicking my mom "gives in" so he knows what to do--he has been doing this since he was a year old). Just be patient and what ever you do try not to pick him up, just let him be aggrevated for a minute and he will soon learn that mom means no and she is not coming to pick me up so its not worth having a fit over nothing. Good luck I hope I helped. Let us know how it goes. C.