The Britax 5 point booster seat is rated #1 and seems to be the best with all I have read about them.
We are looking for a good toddler booster seat. My daughter is 2.5 years, 31 pounds and 36 inches. She still needs a 5-point harness, but I would like one that goes up to 80 or 100 pounds so that we can use it for several years. Does anyone have any advice on booster seats that you like or dislike?
The Britax 5 point booster seat is rated #1 and seems to be the best with all I have read about them.
Hello, I have a Cosco Alpha Omega Elite that goes from 5 to 100lbs. I also have a Summer(eddie Baur, Safety First) Booster that goes from 22 to 100lbs. They are both 5 point harnesses. The cosco costs about $150 and the Summer cost about $80. My 3 year old uses the Cosco and weighs about 25lbs. My 7 year old uses the Summer and weighs about 42lbs. They are great and very comfy. They do recline and also have arm rests and cup holders on both of them. here are the links to the ones i have
I highly recommend both of them. I had both of these before i was in a car wreck and just got the same ones to replace my others
We just went through this agony ourselves. We had to move our 8month old up to the evenflo Triumph b/c she's too big for the infant seat. My son was so excited about getting another "big boy" seat (he's 3) until he had to sit in each one to test them out. We finally decided to go with the evenflo Generations seat because it fit him the best with a 5 pt. harness. The britax is a monster and the height is so tall that it would have gone above our seats in the van. We really liked the reports on the Recaro seats but it was very narrow and I was afraid he would outgrow it.Other car seats had issues with the buckle system (too short) and was hard to latch without pinching his legs. He is happy with his seat and we've taken long trips and he feels fine. Hope this helps.
The Britax Regent is the best on the market. It's expensive, but it is the only booster seat made that has a 5 point harness. It goes all the way up to 80 lbs, so you'll probably never have to buy another one. I would never buy a car seat that wasn't Britax. I highly recommend them!
the britax is the best, but costly.
My friend just bought two car seats (from target online only) I think it is a cosco? but it does the 5 point harness up to 65 pounds and then the booster seat up to 100.
You really want to 5 point harness as long as possible. Many put their children in the booster too early. Their bodies need more protection and little ones have a tendency not to sit still with the seat belt positioned in the proper place. So they do not work unless you have a child that sits still in a car.
check out recaro. they are one of the highest rated seats on the market, but not well known. they arent sold in most stores (but if you do a search or some calling arund you can usually find them somewhere)or recaro.com
you can read and compare all they're child seats and choose the best one for you.
and sometimes if there is a performance parts car shop around you they can order it for you for cheaper than you could get it online..(they make racing seats so it might seem like a weird place to get a baby seat but it works ;) )