It's hard to eat when your mouth hurts... same for little ones. Try giving him tylenol (paracetamol in most countries outside the US) and see if both his nursing and behavior return to a little more normal. If he's in a LOT of pain you can give both tylenol and ibuprofen at the same time (which is VERY effective on mouth pain, and neither are addictive or have side effects, and can be taken together safely because they have different "modes of action" meaning the biochem involved with them are 2 totally different things even though they "do" the same thing, they "do" it differently on a chemical level), or you can alternate them. Tylenol takes care of pain from trauma and ibuprofen lessens inflammation and pain from inflammation. Both come in infant drops, and both are dosed by WEIGHT, not age. There should be a chart on the back of the box or on their websites if the chart is not in a language that you can read.
Teething pain comes and goes... so it's not like you'll be giving him tylenol 24/7 for weeks or months. With my son 1 dose in the morning, and one dose before bed on cranky days set things right. My friend's son needed tylenol every 4 hours for 2 days, fine for a few weeks, every 4 hours for a day, fine for a week. My neice only needed it during the day, and my nephew only at night. Every child responds to pain differently. Many stop eating, many eat more. So you just dose them by weight as needed.