Seeking Advice from Mom's Everywhere

Updated on October 30, 2010
L.H. asks from Indialantic, FL
7 answers

Hi, my name is L.. My kid attends palm bay community charter and this week I have been through a tough situation with these people. My kid is in first grade, he is six years old and what happened was the teacher took the kids on the playground to play sackrace, so some of the kids took of their shoes to play. My son picked up one of the other children's shoe and the kid got angry and tackled my son to the ground, had his knees on my sons back, took my sons head with his hands and started beating his head against the ground and rubbing it against the rough grass. Then they sent him to the clinic with an older kid and then they called me. When I saw my son, I was in tears, as any mother would be. I asked questions, they did not give me a full report on what happened on that day which was thursday, there was the dean and the administrator. On friday I went back, there were four of them, the dean, administrator, guidance counselor and the teacher, it was just my son and I there, they gave me a halfway report, in that report they pretty much said that my son was to blame for that incident, I understand they are six year olds, my son is a very playful kid as any child would be, I understand that he should have not touched this kids shoe but that beating that was done to my son was unbelievable. So, until now, that principal has not met with me to say anything, I have halfway answers and nothing is being done to the other kid. He is not suspended or the matter has not been dealt with appropriately. I am disappointed in this school. I have never been through this, this is my first and only child and I would like some advice. I spoke to a couple of people for advice, who's been there, done that, also the police and I am about to launch a complaint to the school board with pictures and everything to prove I am not crazy. This school is not handling this situation professionally, they want to sweep this matter under the rug and blame my son for the whole thing, which I do not accept and I want this matter properly dealt with. Almost all of the concerns that I had about my son and the other children in the classroom, all they could tell me was that information was disclosed to me. There are a couple of disturbed children in that classroom that they refuse to pull out and that was one of the children that attacked my son. They are protecting this kid and my son could have been killed, he got hurt on the temple area at the left side of his face, he could have damaged my child's eye or killed him and that is okay for these people. I am angry and I am going back on monday to deal with this and pull my kid out of this horrible situation, no parent should have to go through this. If it was the principals kid or a teachers kid, that kid would be suspended by now, so because we are normal people we don't have rights, my kid have no rights. I am welcome to any advice, please, I need help. Let me also say palm bay academy charter is just as crazy.

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So What Happened?

Well goodnight, thank you to everyone with advice, I really appreciate it. As you all know I had to go in to the school today, I went in and the secretaries and staff were giving me the cold shoulder but I got a meeting with one of the dean and I gave back to them the accident report, I told them it was unacceptable and needs to be corrected, well she kept it but they still would not let me see the principal. So, when I left there, I went to the school board and I spoke to the person in charged of that particular area of complaints I mean, and she called the school. Lo and behold, she got him and he said he wasn't aware of the situation and he wasn't aware that I wanted to speak with him, so, all of a sudden he was willing to see me. I left the school board and went back to the school to meet with him, he is looking at me and telling me that he was aware of the situation and he is always in his office, so I should have come and met with him. Mind you, you have to make an appointment and everytime I asked the staff, their response is that he's busy. He is looking at me in my face and lying and he is refusing to change the report, these people are unbelievable. So, sometime this week I have to meet with the people from the school board again and file the complaint. All I wanted was for them to correct this letter and give me a description how he got hurt, I don't think I am asking for to much. It's a shame that they would do anything to cover up this story but I am not letting go just like that. I am also withdrawing my child from this school and I'm still filing a complaint. So, again, thank you everyone for your sound advice and I did bring up some of those points that you guys gave me, thankyou and I appreciate it again. I would let everyone know what happens, so have a wonderful week.

More Answers


answers from Chicago on

First, have written documentation for everything. Make sure you only EVER say FACTS and by that you must have the facts on hand to back it up. I would contact other schools to see how a simmiar situation would have been handled there and bring it to thier attention as well. Keep the emotions out of it and stay to the facts.

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answers from Dallas on

Did you seek medical assistance for your son? If you were so concerned about his health and his beating, it would have been important for him to be evaluated by a doctor and have his injuries documented. I would also ask questions on what the student teacher ratio was on the playground. And if there are some disturbed(?) students, have there been prior behavior issues and is there a teacher's aid assigned to the class? I would have a prepared list of written questions when I go back on Monday and I would take another adult with me to write down the answers to my questions. You are in a very emotional state because of what happened to your son, so you may not be wording your questions to get the information you want ( or you may not be listening to the answers). A beating like the one described is not acceptable behavior for any incident on the playground, especially for picking up someone else's shoe.

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answers from Portland on

I'm so sorry to hear how traumatic this event has been to you and your son. And I agree with Kristina – stick directly and faithfully to facts, and keep your emotions out of it. You will appear stronger, more reasonable, and in better control. And I can guarantee you that the other boy's parents are probably just as protective and emotional as you feel. Emotions are important, but don't usually help progress toward a fair resolution.

You don't say much about why your son was blamed, other than he picked up the other boy's shoe. You say, "my son is a very playful kid as any child would be," and statements like that are sometimes used by parents in defense of serious misdemeanors in their own children. I'm sorry, but it doesn't sound like we have heard the whole story. Does your son have previous behavioral issues at this school? Did he do anything with the shoe besides pick it up – perhaps try to keep it away from the other child? Does he ever tease or pick on the other child? Is he ever part of a group that does?

If something like that happened, I can see that it might have sent a child with poor impulse control into a state of frustrated rage. That doesn't make the attack okay, but it does help explain it. And if the other child is "disturbed," that generally means consideration must be made for his reduced capacity for self-control. Whether or not he should be mainstreamed with "normal" students is a separate issue that the school may need to examine. Those decisions may be out of their hands, however.

Again, I'm sad to hear how challenging this situation has been. I would be in anguish if my grandson received a beating from another child, for any reason at all. I hope all parties are open to learning from it so it won't get repeated.

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answers from Tulsa on

go to the school board I had to one time and the pricncipal was very nice to me after wards mne got jumped by 3 kids off school grounds and he wasnt going to do anything things changed after I got ahold of hte school board

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answers from New York on

Of course your son did not deserve this violence, He is six years old! And if this other child is disturbed in some way they may not do much to deal with him, this is just the way it is now, you will prob not get them to suspend or expel this child. But the school must deal with what happened admit it was horrible and make sure this never happens again to anyone! They must provide round the clock supervision for this boy, with teacher and aides watching the children more closely. If they don't after you talk with the principal, talk with the school board, if that doesn't help Make sure all the other parents are aware of what happened. If your child is not safe there you'll have to take him out!

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answers from Charlotte on




answers from Philadelphia on

Well possibly my comment is a little over the top but I would contact a local tv news program. Have them get involved for some justice.

Now although your son should NOT have touched the kids shoes. Your son did NOT put his hands on other student. He did NOT deserve that beating in any way. That kid is a bully. Its unbelivable this is how they decided to handle this.
If your being completely truthful I think the school is 100% WRONG. That other child has aggression issues. Now that other kids pretty much knows he can do anything he damn well please and the school won't do anything.

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