check with your local school district for early childhood assessments. My friend did that & got her child assessed and obtained services early and was able to work on his speech. You barely know that he has a problem now.
My 3 year old has a speech problem. He has trouble pronouncing some words and letters, I want to get him in a class but dont know how. help.
check with your local school district for early childhood assessments. My friend did that & got her child assessed and obtained services early and was able to work on his speech. You barely know that he has a problem now.
If you live in Minneapolis you can call 348-tots. The city of MPLS is awesome when it comes to helping to diagnose and help provide therapy for resident children with learning disablities. The starting point is 348-tots.
Good luck!
Contact your school district and they can direct you to a place that will evaluate your child. I live in IGH and I contacted Family Connections I think it is and they have someone that evaluates children birth-3.
Hi there. Your local school district will have an early program for special education. Contact them and tell them that you are concerned about your son's speech. You will need to have your son evaluated for special education services (where the speech comes in). As a special educator myself, it is a bit of a confusing process but is well worth it. I know that our school district has many options for parents in early chidhood including speech classes and in home opportunities (available for really little ones). Good luck!