My 4 year old dd was just recently diagnosed with selective mutism. When she was around 9 months old, I would take her to story time at our library. Even at that young of age, she would not participate. If we were doing any hand play like pat a cake, she would pull her arms back and close to her body and would not let me do anything with her. She would talk to very few of her relatives. She would talk to my in-laws who live two hours away, but would not talk to my mom, my aunt or my uncle who we saw sometimes 2 or more times a week.
When she started preschool when she was 3 years old, she did not talk to her teachers or the other kids. I think all year they only got two words out of her. I had even had a discussion last year with the preschool director when we gave the director a Valentine treat and my dd wouldn't speak. The director mentioned that her niece had selective mutism and did not outgrow it until she was in junior high.
When she went for her 4 year check up, I asked the doctor about it and he told me not to worry about her because she was just shy.
Well this year in preschool, just before Thanksgiving, one of dd's teachers said that we need to do something because she is not talking in school so she took me to the director. The director gave me a business card to get in touch with an Early Childhood Intervention specialist from the local school district (why she didn't give me this information last year, I don't know but I sure wish she would have). I had to fill out several forms including answering almost 700 (I am not exaggerating) questions about my dd. Last week, they just put an IEP in place for her. She is going to a "communication" class on Mondays now for 1 1/2 hours. In addition to that class, someone will visit her each week at her preschool and work with her. The IEP will be in place for one year and will follow her into Kindergarten.
We have been doing playdates at McDonald's with some of her friends from school. When we started them, she would play with the others but wouldn't talk to them. I told her that if she wasn't going to talk, that we wouldn't do anymore playdates. That got her to start talking to her friends but only if no adults were around.
Last week they did skills evaluations in preschool and I explained to her that she needed to talk so they could tell how smart she was. I was totally amazed when I picked her up that the teacher said she talked no problem. Prior to this, she never talked to either of her teachers but did start talking to her friends during play time but only if a teacher wasn't looking. Today I picked her up and they said that she participated a lot today. I am so excited that she is starting to come around. I just hope that it continues. I am concerned about her starting Kindergarten because none of her friends from preschool go to the same school district and we have no kids in our neighborhood that are her age.
Check with your preschool or local school district to see if they have a program in place that will help your dd. I was so happy to find out that our school district could help her but I never would have found out about it on my own or even known who to turn to since our pediatrician didn't see a problem with her.