The thing to remember with treating ADHD at home is that those suppliments are very general and most likely won't do a whole lot. If you want to go a more natural route, find a hollistic doctor in your area. That's the only effective way to truly treat without medication.
Having said that, my 6 yr old son has been on the Daytrana patch for the last 4 months. It has been the best thing for him. Focalin XR worked for a little while, but stopped. The patch has no ups & downs during the day, and is not affected by what he has for breakfast.
Also, removing high fructose corn syrup can help. As can removing red & yellow food coloring. (Most think it's red that the most evil, but yellow is the worst.) If you're not already giving your DD Omega suppliments, I'd definitly start. It takes about 6 months of taking it, but there's a difference. Plus, it does much more than just help with ADHD. It helps keep the brain & the heart healthy in the long run.
Good luck. It's not easy, but it sure is worth it!