I haven't dealt with infertility issues but my OB/Gyn and his partner were both great and he is now my daughter's OB/Gyn, poor kid got the ookie period genes from someone. Anyway, Steven Suba in Fort Worth and Azle. He tends to adjust for his patients, if you want more of the doctor persona he can do that but told me many years ago that he loved it when he came in because he didn't have to act like a doctor with me.
Also, btw, he missed the first kid's actual delivery (out of town) and I was a bit grumpy after 14 hours of induced labor and I suspect not the best patient on the planet but he told me that Dr. Howell enjoyed it. I said, you are out of your mind, he told me that they would rather have a patient that told them exactly what she was thinking than someone that agreed with them because they were the doctors.
Good luck.