Hi H., I just wanted to ease your mind a little about Von Willa Brands Disease. I was diagnosed with this when I was 9 years old. I am not sure what stage of the disease I have but will reasure you that it has not caused any serious problems in my life. I have had many surgeries in which they have to give me a blood cloting factor prior to, but with this I have had no complications during surgery. I have also had two beautiful children and again had minimal problems. One thing I would recommend is getting some sort of medical alert necklace or bracelet for your daughter just in case she would ever be in some sort of an accident where there may be a lot of bleeding. I also for my own sake carry a piece of paper in my wallet that tells that I have Von Willa Brands Disease and list exactly what this is. One other peice of advice is I recommend that every time you visit the hospital for any reason you check to make sure that they have this listed in their computer system. After years of having this I had one minor surgical procedure done at the hospital and when I was in the recovery room I asked why they had not given me the ADDVP and they had no record of me having Von Willa Brands Disease. Good Luck with everything and I hope this eases your mind a little.