When I was in high school I used to have terrible migranes constantly. In 10th grade I missed 2 full weeks of school becuase I couldn't stand up without getting sick. It was horrible. After going through all the different medications with my regular doc I was sent for a neuro consualt. They did an MRI and then a CT scan to make sure there were no brain abnormalities. Thankfully those both came back clean. I went back to the neuro and he evaluated the way that I walked, sat, even wrote, to see if there could be strain on certian muscles that could be pulling my neck or something. After all that seemed normal the doc sent me to a ciropractor for a few months, three times a week to do neck ultrasounds and crack my neck and realign my spine. After a few weeks with the chiro I was feeling much much better. It's been about 11 years and since moving about 3 hours north of where I used to live, I hardly ever get migranes anymore.
GOOD LUCK with everything!!!!