Hi Jennifer, like you I knew I would be happier working than staying home full time. Our kids adjusted fine to being in a daycare setting, and because I'm happy, I enjoy them SO much more! I'm a much better mom because of the fact that I work. The most challenging part for me was dealing with the chaos of first coming home each day. Everyone wants mommy, and you have basically zero time to unwind from the work day. Once I finally figured out how chaotic this part of the day is, I implemented certain strategies to make it easier (i.e. we go outside first, everyone runs and they're not hanging onto my legs, or I sit on the couch with them and plan to do absolutely nothing for 15 minutes, etc). This seemed to work well so the kids knew what to expect when I first come home each day. I agree with what others here have said -- if mom is happy, the house is happy. Best wishes with your decision, you'll do great! Now my other secret weapon is running -- I must fit it in to relieve the dual stress of a demanding job and being a mom...even if I have to do it at 5am or 9pm, I fit it in a few times a week. You may find regular exercise will also help with the adjustment. Good luck!