You are not contributing money to the household. You are contributing something far more valuable. You are teaching your child. You are teaching Love, concern, reading, hugs mean happiness, good food, respect for mom, respect for dad, moms are special to dad and kids, dad is special to moms and kids.
"There is no success that can compensate for a failure in the home."
You are where you should be, at home. When your child gets old enough, besure you take them to the store with you. Show them how to shop properly. Show them how to find the good deals and to plan meals around what is on sale. You will be teaching them very valuable life skills. I reinforced what my kids learned in school about math when they had to figure out how much a cereal cost per pound and per ounce.
Pioneer story: A family had a nice home with a huge oak tree in the back yard. The mom and dad decided they wanted a wooden bench that would circle the base of the tree. So the son begged the dad to help. So the dad had an 8 year old helper. Dad came in for lunch after working with the son for the 3rd day and he said to the mom that he could have had the bench already finished if he hadn't had so much "help".
The mom looked at him and said, "What do you think you are building out there?"
The dad replied, "A bench to go around the base of the oak tree."
The mom, gave him a hug and said, "You're not building a bench. You are building a man."
The most important work you will ever do will be within the walls of your own home. Teach your child to love your husband and respect him. Teach your child how valuable a member of the family you are and your husband is. Your husband should be teaching your child how to love you and have respect for you.
Good luck to you and yours.