I sent my 17 year old son off this morning in his complete Police Department Cadet uniform to work security at the July 4th festivities. He was only gone a few minutes when he called me. I thought maybe he had a flat tire or something.
He called to tell me that he heard on the radio that Andy Griffith passed away.
My father was from the South and sounded just like Andy Griffith. My father even looked like him.
From the time he was little, my son loved that show. We even have DVD's of it.
I'm almost 50 and grew up watching that show.
I hope Andy would be touched that even younger generations mourn his passing.
This world is full of fabulous people, but very few of us leave a legacy on screen.
He will never really be that far away from us when you think of it that way.
My thoughts and prayers to his family.