My DD has a sacral dimple also. There has never been an issue with it and we have never followed up in any way. She has no developmental issues. Good luck to you!
My daughter has had a sacral dimple the day she was born. They never felt need to do an ultrasound. Now being 1 yrs old, the pediatrician wants her to get eval for it just to make sure,since it didn't close yet. It looks very shallow and no d/c from it. Has anyone had experience with sacral dimples?
I now have to take her to a pediatric surgeon for consult and he will decide if an MRI or Ct is warranted. I have no vacation left at my work so I am now trying to find someone to take my daughter to get seen (all docs have no weekend hours - I guess most don't want to cater to the idea that there are parents who WORK full time and don't have weekday time!!)
The neurosurgeon took one look and said she'l be fine, no need for CT or MRI. We're relieved! thanks for all your feedback!
My DD has a sacral dimple also. There has never been an issue with it and we have never followed up in any way. She has no developmental issues. Good luck to you!
I admit that this is nothing that I am familiar with so I did a google search... there is lots of information.
One that I found interesting is: http://www.drgreene.com/21_154.html
good luck,
Pres, Lactation Support Group, Inc
This seems to be fairly common and runs in families. My husband has one so both my kids have some sort of dimple. My son's was the deepest and they were concerned at birth until they could clearly see the bottom and it was fused.
They were going to do an ultrasound but decided he didn't need one. I would opt for the ultrasound first since the CT has radiation and from experiance the MRI they need to be sedated so they can hold still for the length of time it takes. The sedation is NOT FUN AT ALL and it has its risks. If it has not closed then there may be some issue with infection etc. that they are concerned about, but I agree get a second option and try to push for the ultrasound first.
Hi Neena, We recently had to get an MRI for my son to rule out spina bifida. We called Children's Memorial @ 800-KIDS-DOC (or maybe it was 888-KIDS-DOC) to schedule an appt with a doctor who was available on our schedule. Hope this helps! Don't worry if you have to have your child sedated for an MRI or CT scan. We had absolutely no problems with it. The recovery time was only a couple of hours and my son just acted as though he was a little tipsy. Nothing to worry about!!
My son was also born with a double sacral dimple and although the pediatrician in the hospital felt that an ultrasound wasn't necessary our primary ped did. It was the most nerve racking two weeks before we could have it done and thankfully the ultrasound was normal.
At his year check-up two weeks ago we were concerned that the fact that his legs seem weak (he doesn't walk or like to stand while hold his hands)she said that the SD is not related to that issue but suggested we go for a PT eval. I was informed through my older son's psychologist that Easter Seals does EI (Early Intervention) for two and under at no cost; though sometimes there is a small family fee. I would ask that an ultrasound be done first rather than the other extreme. This would elminate the issue of your work schedule. I guess the other issue is are there any signs that the SD is posing a medical problem to warrant such a visit to a Ped Surgeon. Perhaps a second opinion from another Ped is an option before you need to go.
I just took my daughter in for an ultrasound for the sacral dimple... they checked it out and made sure it didn't open into the spinal cord and she is fine. Did you get an ultrasound of this to make sure this is an end to the dimple?
hey i can understand your program,i also have a daughter and when she was 5 month of age ,her pediatrician found out about the dimple and made a M.I.R appmnt,n then we were given a appment to consult a neurosurgeon,and since we were moving out of state.frm california to texas.and with no insurance the neurosurgeon within one day did all the bllod test,got all his helpers and next day first thing did a surgery on my baby girl.it took them almost 6 hours .but thanks to the doctor he did the surgery on her and after 3 days she got released and she was back to her normal self.my hubby the company he works for doesnt have any vacation or sick and i had to do all the things by my self.its hard but for the health of my baby i had to take care of her.