First of all, don't panic! It could just be a temporary thing. If you are under any stress or have a cold, your supply could slow down. Here are some things to try:
- Drink Mother's Milk tea (contains Fenugreek) you can get this at the supermarket
- Take Fenugreek supplements. You have to take like six tablets throughout the day. But it seems to work.
- Try to relax more. I know, easier said than done. But when you get your sleep and rest, your body is able to produce more milk.
- Pump at the same time every day. Your body will begin to expect the pumping.
You are doing a great thing for your son by wanting to continue breastfeeding until he is one. But if for whatever reason you find the milk doesn't come don't sweat it. Give him formula for the last two months and congratulate yourself on being an awesome mom!