Finances can cause more stress than much else. First, student loans - if you have not consolidated them, see if you can. Than can lower payments. Also, you may have to ask for a FORBEARANCE instead of a deferrment. I was only given 3 deferrments on my loan but I can put it in forebearance multiple times. The interest still accrues so you don't want it to stay there forever.
I also highly recommend CCC that someone else recommended. If we had gone to them much earlier, we could have saved ourselves much grief.
If you are going thru a bankruptcy, remember that school loans will not be discharged. You will still owe on them and have to pay them.
Ask your dh about your working. I understand how hard it is. I also understand like with a child that is premature. I have a baby now that was way preemie. It changes your life in many ways. You may be able to find some ways to bring in more money and stay at home. Babysitting - take in another child or 2. I did this for several months just for grocery money. Or, you may want to work in a place like a daycare that will allow you to bring your daughter as well. She won't be in the same class as you, but you are still just a shout away and can likely spend breaks with her. I have also had times where I sold everything loose on eBay and collected items from friends and family for yard sales. Then I applied that money to bills and necessities.
Hang in there. This is tough, I know. I have been there. But this is also just a season. Somewhere there is light in the tunnel.