Before bedtime, all items needed for the morning (backpack w/ homework, shoes, jackets, car keys etc) should be by the front door. Lunchboxes should be in the kitchen ready for you to pack in the am (and any prep work you can do ahead helps too - like putting items in travel containers, etc.). My daughter and I also get out 5 outfits on Sunday and put them in the order she will wear them (only if there is something special that she needs to wear on a certain day due to that day's activities) so there is no bickering regarding clothing in the morning.
Know the time you need to leave in the morning, then know what time you need to walk out the door to insure you are backing out the driveway at that time. Then count long does it take to get the kids ready (do you need to add a few extra "wake up" minutes), how long does it take you to get ready (so you can be ready before you get them up), time for breakfast, etc. Then add a few extra minutes just because "stuff happens". Then set your alarm for a few minutes before you HAVE to be up.
Another thing that may help is organizing a menu so you always know what you are fixing for breakfast, packing for lunch, and maybe even for dinner. That also helps w/ your shopping list so you know what you need to buy to be covered for the upcoming week.