When I had round ligament pain after pulling mine on a tennis court, yes they can pull like any other ligament, I started going to my chiropractor. It was probably the best thing I did for myself outside of resting with a low heat heating pad. Make sure if you go, you go to one that is experienced with pregnancy chiropractics. I highly recommend my doctor, Dr. Mike Vandewalle. If you've never been to a chiropractor he will make you feel confident in what you're doing and what he's doing. Let's just say he's older and wiser with gentle hands. And he knows his stuff. If you would like his info contact me and I'll send it to you. I believe he does free first time consultations so it would be worth it to just go talk to him.
Other than low heat and the chiropractor all I can say is I know it sucks and nothing will completely relieve you all the time. I can also recommend pregnancy yoga. It can help you find ways to take the pain and pressure off your belly when it's really getting to you.
Remember, when you have that little one in your arms soon it will all be worth it.
Good luck!