Hi There,
The Rotavirus is generally just a diarhea bug (though sometimes vomiting occurs) and generally only occurs in babies, because you become immune to it once you have had it and, now kids are vacinated. The Norovirus is the icky stomach bug that generally involves 24 hours of vomiting/diarhea and can hit any age- there are so many strains of this that you do not become immune. In this bug, vomit and stool are VERY contagious. So, your baby should not actually get Rotavirus from the vaccine and it most likely not make her vomit. There is a difference between vomit and spit up, and if she is not actually sick, spit up will not transmit the Rotavirus- just don't leave dirty bibs and rags around for your toddler to get into.
I am a germaphobe myself... I am always making my kids wash there hands when we get home from anywhere, wipe down shopping carts etc. But, keep in mind that they will get sick from time to time and they have to build up their immunity somehow. My kids all had this vaccination, no problems at all!