this is common and normal and she will shortly grow out of it, only to have a sleep issue for teething im sure.
im sorry i cant offer a better answer, except to say that you do what you have to do to get sleep. bedsharing is a good alternative for now, and it is a lot safer than people let on, especially now that she can move on her own. cosleeping, with her in the same room, is also another good option. because of SIDS, babies should be put to bed on their backs only until 6 months of age, so im thinking that shes been a tummy sleeper all along, which of course babies prefer, but it isnt as safe as the exhaled air can be rebreathed. however, like i said, she is moving around on her own, and likely can move her head when something is blocking her face, so the risk has been greatly reduced.
i guess i would just tell you what ive told you, that is to be patient, and she will stop having this issue soon. however, dont count on sleep being 'normal' at any point, those expectations are too high for an infant under the age of 1... most kids ive encountered (i do in home child care, and have numorous younger nieces and nephews... etc) dont sleep through the night as a rule until around 1 1/2 years! some much before that and some much later. my son still doesnt sleep through the night every single night and he is 2 1/2!
one thing is certain however; babies are not lying in bed thinking abuot how to get your attention. they are sleeping just like you. when they wake up and have a need, they cry because thats how the communicate. they cry when wet, hungry, lonely, tired, bored, overstimulated, etc. thats just how it works right now. so never think that you have to somehow ignore or punish your child for crying at any time day or night, its just the way she communicates with you. the connection between baby crying and your response is what builds trust! :D
anyway, sorry i couldnt come up with a better response for you.
www.askdrsears.com might have a GREAT response. so try that out!