I did. It was great exercise for the last trimester. Just be cautious and avoid busy roads (duh). :)
I have heard before that you shouldn't ride a bike pregnant. I think it has to do with the fact that you are not as coordinated and could fall more easily. I am just wanting to go on casual rides with my family. I have a 3 1/2 year old and so it is very slow paced. I don't feel uncomfortable or uncoordinated. So, just wondering if there was any reason I shouldn't?
Good! I'm glad I wasn't missing something. I will defnitely be out for a bike ride with the family today then - it's going to be a nice day! Thanks!
I did. It was great exercise for the last trimester. Just be cautious and avoid busy roads (duh). :)
Yep...I agree with everyone's post. I was pregnant in summer of '08, due in October, and I loved riding my bike. It felt great to get leisurely exercise, and I think it actually helped my balance. I just wouldn't recommend bike-riding with your child in a trailer behind you...that was not easy to balance!!
I believe the only reason is when you are pregnant it throws your balance off so they don't want you to risk it. I think this is totally up to you. My balance was totally out of wack while I was pregnant and there is no way I would have got on a bike. But I did have a friend who rode regularly up until about 8 months and she stopped because it was uncomfortable.
i took lots of family bike rides while pregnant summer and fall of 08 i was due in february
I think not only is it about balance but I've also always heard you shouldn't start a NEW exercise/activity while pregnant. If this is something you've always done and you are comfortable with it then it's probably not a problem. I'd also consider how far along in your pregnancy you are though too!
I agree with what everyone else has written. As long as you feel comfortable, go for it! I was living in Tokyo and rode a bike right up until the end of my second pregnancy. And most pregnant women around me did too!
I rode my bike around Mac. Island two times, plus just around to site see stuff in town, and two weeks later I gave birth to a healthy boy. My dr. said it was fine. Other people at the island has other things to say to me, but I felt fine, never fell and was comfortable. I think it's really just up to you. If you are going at a comfortable pace and don't feel like your balance is off, then go for it. Like my doctor said, as long as I don't try to be Lance Armstrong in a race I should be fine. I didn't even have contractions when I was riding, which was odd because I got them a ton when I was just walking! :) Have fun with it!
Have you been riding a bike before pregnancy? If so you can keep doing it as long as you feel comfortable.
Where I am from many people ride the bike as their primary means of transportation (most inner cities are closed to car traffic), so of course everyone rides pregnant, too.
If you are not used to riding your bike, I probably wouldn't start now, but that really goes for any sport.
Good luck!
i did up till 5 or 6 months along... then i was too big and it didn't feel safe :)