Radio Flyer has a great "trike" with no pedals - my boy loved it. Also, the cozy coupe is a winner.
Can you recommend a good ride on toy for my two year old daughter? my mom wants to get her a ride on toy for her 2nd b-day. I've looked a little on amazon and toys r us reviews, but I was wondering if your child has/had a favorite one. I'm looking for pedal or scoot/push, but not motorized. Thanks
Radio Flyer has a great "trike" with no pedals - my boy loved it. Also, the cozy coupe is a winner.
My boys LOVE their big wheels - they make all sorts of noises and light up. My kids are tall so they grew out of th ecozy coupe early on, of I'd suggest that one. We haven't gotten rid of ours yet bcause they still like to squeeze in there!
My 14 month old loves his alphabet train by v-tech...the child can sit on the caboose and use the handle on top of the train to hold onto...plus it is an excellent learning toy perfect for 1-2 year olds to learn colors and alphabets and numbers.
A tricycle is the way to go! It might take him a little while to learn, but it's something he can continue to grow in to. When he finally does learn to ride, watch out! There won't be any stopping him!
Fisher Price Rock, Roll 'N Ride Trike!! http://tinyurl.com/5h8bcz It goes from a see-saw, to a trike you can push (she puts her feet on pegs) or she can peddle with your help, to a trike she rides by herself!!
Lots of ideas here: http://www.radioflyer.com/
~>Riding Horse
We have a wagon, a trike, and a scooter.
We looooove this!!: http://tinyurl.com/23n9uk3
The cozy coupe all the way!!
Yep, both my kids loved the cozy coupe!
About 5 years ago, my parents got my son a John Deere Buck from Walmart or Target. It is awesome. It has little songs that it sings, sounds like it starts up and has blinkers. They can use it inside or outside. It is still going strong, three kids later. I know you said you have a daughter but my daughter loves it as well. She is almost three and likes cruising around the house on it still.
My son had a Little Tikes giraffe ride on toy. He loved it! I never did get him the Cozy Coupe but every time he goes to preschool or to anyone's house that has it, he heads straight for it with a huge grin on his face! I think that is a popular favorite that you can't go wrong with!
a cozy coup or a tricycle. my son started using a tricycle last summer shortly after turning two he also loves his big wheel.