RA is a kick in the butt painful fight I know how bad you hurt here are some healthy remedy's I know work as I use them. The medications you mentioned will not be good for you and the baby or while your trying please try these like I said they do work
1) if you can handle hot food
Cayenne-one quarter teaspoon 3xa day with a teaspoon of honey
make a paste out of cayenne put over inflamed joints at bedtime wrap with RED flannel they will fell real good in AM (not perfect but good)
2)go to a local herb store and ask for Cats Claw & follow the instructions
3)oil rubs with heat packs when really hurting
8 drops violet
20 drops olive oil extra virgin
5 drops benzoin
also when at your local herb store ask then what they have in stock when I was in my 20,30,&mid 40's thats all I used to control my RA & fibromiglia they really do work its just a matter of finding the correct one for you PLEASE ask a herbalist. Herbs are so much better for your body, don't get me wrong I'm now 50 and I am on enbrel& methotrexate plus others but it worked for years GOOD LUCK & GOD SPEED