The qualities most important to me in my child's future education is that the education she receives teaches her how to learn and to love learning.
How would you answer the following two questions on an Independent school application for Middle school?
What qualities are most important to you for your child’s future education?
Is there any other information your would like to share with us?
The qualities most important to me in my child's future education is that the education she receives teaches her how to learn and to love learning.
1. What qualities are most important to you for your child's future education?
I would say
A. The ability to question and learn in an environment supported by tolerance and diversity.
Political election? Let's look at the candidates. What does each support? What is their background?
Math? Let's plan a trip with a budget. Here's what you have. How do you plan it? Where can you go? what can you do? What happens if you run out of money?
I want my daughter to DIG INTO things. Not just memorize a worksheet for a standardized test in the spring.
B) Diversity among the student population. Because this is important to me, I want to make sure the student body is diverse. Racially, economically, etc. I think it's important that one of the things my daughter learns is how to get along with people who are exactly the same as her. AND who are RADICALLY Different than her. And who share similarities and differences across the spectrum. Middle school is when you start to really question things, I think. I want her to be able to see different people from differen walks of life.
2) Is there any other information you would like to share with us?
I HATE this question. it opens you up to a myriad of other questions that can't be answered easily. It's hard to tell what they're looking for.
If you have additional information, you can share it. But be careful that they can't then use it to disqualify your child without you knowing it.
Good Luck.
Independence and the ability to make good choices.
Appropriate Tools.
Practical applications for concepts taught in classroom.
The most important quality for any child's education is the parents.