please, before you do anything, get involved with a local epilepsy group. you need to check into the doctor, and speak with other parents.
go to epilepsytalk.com , and go on yahoo groups to discuss with other parents. also, cure.org
I have a great one in orange county, ca. and we have enough people with enough variety of seizures so we know the rep of different drs, hospitals, and procedures. My son has idiopathic epilepsy- eeg patterns are epileptic spasms, seizures, and lennox gastaut syndrome. We've been through it, I know how that goes.
Calling out for help is the best thing you can do. Try and find other peoples experiences.
God bless you and your baby!
one more thing- UCP is a fabulous resource in our area!! something like 64% of their clients deal with other issues besides only cerebral palsy. In OC, the director of programming is so on the ball. Her son is 22, and has seizures, so they know whats up. They are a HUGE resource. ucp-oc.org