Hi Carrie,
Glad to hear that others opinions have not convinced you that you are a LAZY parent!!! I'm a mother of 8-4 boys and 4 girls. My friends and family have heard me say that the two most difficult times in a parent's life are: 1. POTTY TRAINING and 2. Parenting an ADULT child!!
I struggled with potty training my first 3 kids...used the age old, "if they are dry through the night, they are ready" philosophy and ended up spending HOURS in the bathroom with them waiting for that magical moment when they would "tinkle" in the pot!
I'm proud to say that at 28, 26, and 24 years old, they ARE potty trained!!!
With child #4, a friend told me she waited until her kids were 3 to even start training. She chose to use cloth training pants and NO plastic pants and allow them to run around outside. (Obviously, this means she had to work around the winter months!) Because there was an instant and lasting feeling of wetness, the children caught on much faster.
I tried the method with my then 3 year old son, and he was trained in about 3 weeks. I used it for the next 4 children and it worked much better than any methods I tried with the older 3! My 7th child, a boy, was almost 4 before he managed BM's on the potty and for several years afterward still had occasional struggles with slightly messing in his pants. At 13 he is totally trained. HA
Unfortunately, the culture we live in provides us with special diapers that minimize the feeling of wetness, therefore effectively minimizing the child's desire to "get those diapers off!" In addition, many families have both parents working, so the children are cared for by day care center staff. Many day cares require potty training before moving a child into a higher level classroom. This is unfortunate and is simply a housekeeping issue. A child's need for stimulation is there whether or not he or she is potty trained.
Carrie, relax and let your precious little man be a child. He will learn. Best to you.