Once your tags have expired, you MUST renew your registration IN PERSON (state law). The clerk will ask if the vehicle has been driven. Let your personal relationship with God be your guide on whether you want to be honest with the clerk, or not. The state has just adopted new license plates, so if your current plates are at least 5 years old, the clerk will also probably ask if you want new plates. (I recommend doing so, as age "wears off" the reflectability of the plates on night time visibility.)
Check the websites and make the calls as suggested in the other posts ~ no sense driving "across the country" when you can probably go "down the street" (and decrease your risk for a ticket when you're on your way to take care of it, anyway!).
No need to feel embarrassed about it....I actually knew a Dallas PO whose personal tags were also expired, but he was working so many hours, he couldn't get to the Tax Office to get it taken care of!!