We had weight gain issues around that age. We gave DD sunflower seed butter and guacamole. If you eat meat, chicken sausage is something else we gave her (she'd been vegetarian up to that point).
Regarding to know about highest calories food for 13 montths baby to gain weight. still he is not working.i think the leg much more strong, so pls suggest me wht kind of food can give to 13 months baby
thank u
We had weight gain issues around that age. We gave DD sunflower seed butter and guacamole. If you eat meat, chicken sausage is something else we gave her (she'd been vegetarian up to that point).
Welcome to Mamapedia.
Ask your pediatrician what you should be feeding him. I'm not sure what you mean about "I think the leg much more strong", but your ped knows the situation and can help.
Once they start crawling and walking, their weight gain really starts to slow down.
On average, it takes from birth to 5 months to double their birth weight and by about the first birthday they roughly triple their birth weight.
(So a baby that was born weighing 5 lbs will be about 15 lbs at their first birthday.
A baby that was born weighing 9 lbs will be about 27 lbs at their first birthday.
My son was 9 lbs 1.5 oz and was 25 lbs at 1 yr - which was fine - the pediatrician was very happy with that and so was I
He walked at 14 months.).
If you have a failure to thrive situation, work with your pediatrician and follow his advice.
Your pediatrician should be able to guide you. I am also confused by the leg comment.
Both of my children struggled with weight. I know it was suggested that they get lots of protein and fat. I also had to limit milk to a set ounce amount, so my kids wouldn't fill up on milk. We did baby meat sticks and cheese snacks a lot. Avacados have lots of good fats in them. I was told to add butter to all veggies...we did this sporatically (we didn't want to have kids who would only eat green beans slathered in butter). We also cooked a lot of eggs. Beans were good too. We added cheese to a lot of things. YoBaby yogurt is made with whole milk Eventually, we gave pediasure, but only after talking to the doctor.
Definitely a question for your pediatrician.
If you mean his legs are stronger for walking, that is great. But your pediatrician will know if the weight is good for his age/size, and what would be HEALTHIEST for your baby. High calories themselves are NOT the best for gaining weight - baby needs the right food, not just the highest calorie food.
You don't want high calorie, you want high nutrient, high protein. You don't want a fat kid, you just want him to thrive, right?
As others have suggested contact your pediatrician. There may be books on the subject as well. Just don't go all willy nilly or you will end up with other problems.
My kids at 13 months could eat just about everything adults eat.
Is this something your ped is concerned about? I ask this, because many, many moms are concerned when their babies are only in the 15th percentile or only way 18 pounds and just think that they should be bigger or weigh more.
Not all babies are built the same way. My oldest was always in the 15th percentile, and my youngest was always in the 70th. Our ped says that's just who they are. They are both growing in a very natural and healthy growth curve. They just happen to be on very different growth curves. They are now 6 1/2 and 4, and I swear the 4 year old weighs more. We are about to find out, as they both have checkups later this month.
Talk to your pediatrician. If he/she is not concerned then you really shouldn't be, either.
Are you worried about your son not walking yet? If so, don't worry! Lots of babies don't walk until 14 or 15 months, and that's fine.
You probably should check with a doctor or a health clinic about a good diet for him, though. Calories aren't that important, but get some expert help on how to give him enough protein, good (not saturated) fat, vitamins, and minerals.
I'm a little confused, so I apologize , if I'm not answering appropriately. Avacados & eggs are great & easy for that age group to eat.