Yes, I agree with some of the mothers here. Your son may not be ready and his bladder and muscles may not be fully developed either. I know there are people and it's mostly males who have wet their beds up to even 12 years old. Then they out grew it. So, for now, explain to him that you will put on the diapers until he is able to wake up in the middle of the night to go. Your son may be in a deep sleep. So, we have and are working with our two older ones about drinking water before bedtime. My husband says no, but I am conflicted because I feel I need to drink in the middle of the night. I mean, they won't wake up to drink it or sip it in the middle of the night so having a bottle by their beds won't make a difference. So, lately, our oldest, we wake him up, have him go to bathroom and then put him back in bed. He's the one whom we used to put the potty outside his room and he used to wake up and go but he seems not able to wake up in the middle of the night unless he wets. Our second son, he hardly ever wets and he says, I can't drink because I'll wet my bed. So he agrees with us but the oldest understands but doesn't like that idea. We are in the process potty training our youngest because he has said, "potty" "change" and he has done #1 and #2 in the potty. So, it's an ongoing potty theme in our house and I wouldn't change it for the world because it will one day be no children in our house. Enjoy him at each age he's in. They grow up too fast.