A lot really depends on how severe the reflux is. Have you been officially diagnosed and are you using meds? All three of mine had significant and very painful reflux, and they needed to be on meds for 2 - 2 1/2 years. Here's a couple thoughts:
*If the reflux is causing pain or interfering with eating/weight gain or causing respiratory issues (constantly stuffy nose for example), you really should look into medication if you haven't already.
*Most peds will start with zantac for reflux. For some mild cases this is enough, but the dose will need to be adjusted frequently as the baby gains weight. Most babies with significant reflux will need stronger meds though - we had great improvement with prevacid. Some peds aren't comfortable with prescribing stronger meds, though, and you may need to go through a pediatric GI doc. For anything more than the most mild reflux, I strongly recommend getting a referral to a GI doc - there will likely be a long wait, but worth it in my opinion.
*My refluxers only had minimal improvement with mylicon and similar drops. The GI OK'd using mylanta with them, which helped both the reflux and gas. I wouldn't use it without a doc's approval and dosage guidelines, but it may be worth asking about.
*Which formula works best varies a lot with refluxers. Two of mine did well with Enfamil AR. The other ended up on soy formula, though with her I don't think the changes made much difference. You may need to try a few before finding what works for you. Be sure to give a formula change a couple of weeks to see if you're getting improvement - it can take that long to really see a difference. If it's obviously worse on the reflux, then you can stop sooner, but if it seems about the same or minimal improvement, try to wait it out.
*Also, when you start solids, I'd go even more slowly - like wait at least 5 days between new foods - as refluxers tend to have problems with some foods (reflux flares, not true allergies).
Hope some of that helps - good luck!