I battled with reflux with my daughter. She had it something horrible. We had to switch her formula to lactose free, as well give her milacon drops, plus zantac. it would put her at ease for awhile during the day, but she would eventually end up getting fussy again. One of the things that i tried was a slow flow nipple. that helps for them not to get to much air as they are swallowing. My doctor said that the reflux was caused by her formula and too much air, which is also leads of colic. My daughter did not grow out of it until she was 4 months old. Was something we just had to battle with. Hard to do when you have other children, but just hang in there and try to ease her as much as posible. Some other methods that we tried we wrapping her up tightly in a blanket (kinda like an eskimo baby) which was making her feel close to someone, and the warmth would help ease the tummy. We as well always kept her elevated. That was one of the biggest measures that would help especially after meals. We would elevate the head of her bed, prop her up in a swing (without it moving), and we had one of those older baby cradles that looked like a car seat that we used. That helped her a lot, what is when she got most of her rest. I know it is something very hard to deal with, especially if all your other children were real easy babies. My son was the calmest baby i had ever seen. Then my daughter was really realy fussy, gasey, and colic. I did have to have help with her from other people because once you get tensed up, the baby will feel that as well. So sometimes being cared for an hour or so my your spouse or significant other will help. There are just so many measures you can do. Sometimes there may be nothing you caan do to cure it, but you can just ease it a little bit. I know my advise may not be much but maybe it will help you a little bit. Just remember it may be something she will have to grow out of just as my daughter did.