Unfortunatly I have no great cure either. My son had terrible reflux and we tried all the things you are doing and also meds. A note on the meds, we tried 2 different things and neither worked. The medications neutralize the acid coming up, not stop the reflux. So sometimes it is the strong acid making the child spit up, and the meds solve that. Other times, mostly when the child does not experience discomfort, it is an imature digestive system causing the spit-up and neutralizing the acid has no effect. Therefore the meds do not work, they did not work on my son.
You will want to watch for ear infections now and as she gets older. Both my pediatrician and GI said an immature system that has a tendency toward reflux, can have a tendency toward ear infections.
My son spit up til he was almost 15 months old. But, he was under a GI's care and although a bother, when it stopped , it stopped. He has not had any digestive trouble since. He began ear infections at 9 months and eventually had to have tubes. But they solved so many sickness problems as well as ear infections, he has been very healthy since.
Best of luck!