Corn starch will keep it dry and silky. Is she wearing cotton panties?
Maybe a few slathers of neosporine (which works really fast on things like that) and then powder her with some cornstarch to keep her dry down there.
My 7 year old has been complaing about her rectum itching for 3 days now and redness I believe from itching. I have given her vineger baths and been using vaseline, but it has not been helping. Its not pin worms either can anyone tell me what to do? This is also not the first time and have been to dr for this, but did not help.
Thank you for all your wonderful answers. I will try these I gave her wipes yesterday and I believe it is straining because when she wiped there was a little blood yesterday. It does seem to be doing better.
Thank you
Corn starch will keep it dry and silky. Is she wearing cotton panties?
Maybe a few slathers of neosporine (which works really fast on things like that) and then powder her with some cornstarch to keep her dry down there.
It could be...
1. worms (some can't be seen w/ the naked eye)
2. yeast infection (espec if she was on antibiotics recently)
3. food allergy- I know it sounds odd, but it happens to me & my mom with certain allergic respones
4. laundry detergent
5. scented toilet paper
6. bubble bath or soap
Is there any bleeding? Sometimes when a BM is passed it will create tiny tears (fissures) around the opening and they feel like a Hemroid and can burn and yes be very itchy. Try some Preperation H cream just around the opening. Also, does your 7 year old wipe properly? Even a tiny bit of the fecal material left and cause itch and irritation. Try some flushable wipes which are softer on the skin and clean better for a few days to see if that is the issue?
Happens to my daughter too (she is 3.5) but only every now and then and doesn't last long. If I see her futzing with her bottom, I ask her about it and then make sure she is clean and put some aquaphor down there -- it has always done the job. Is it possible to get a yeast infection at the rectum opening? I know kids can get them in their diapers in addition to women getting them in their genital areas....not sure.
Could it be too-fluffy or scented toilet paper?
This is probably a stupid question, but are you sure she's wiping well? Is she using (wet) wipes for wiping after a bowel movement? She could have a rash from not wiping well. My 5 year old daughter sometimes has that issue. Aquafor works wonders for all skin irritations. Also, make sure she's drinking plenty of fluids so her stools are soft; if she's not drinking enough her stools will be hard, and maybe hard to get out and the straining can cause irritation...I hope you get to the bottom of whatever the issue is.
I have this happen to me when I have fissures (skin tears) that are healing up. She may have had a big hard poop that tore her a little bit. It itches while its healing.
Is she wiping correctly when she goes number2? Sometimes even up until their teenage years they can do it improperly. Try having her use baby wipes after she goes number 2 see if that helps.
Make sure she wipes with wet wipes (after TP) to make sure everything - feces and any residual TP - is gone. Some brands of TP leave something behind.
Hemmroids from straining??
Stop the vaseline and try lotion with cucumber and aloe in it. The doctor told me years ago not to use vaseline on a baby or small child. Also, it could be the toilet paper you are using causing the itching. I personally have problems if I use toilet paper in a public restroom. I only buy one brand and use nothing else in our home. My girls when they were little always liked Angel Soft. Now we only use Cottenelle. Also, instead of a vinegar bath give her baking soda baths. Hopefully this will help.
I like to try the least invasive way, so I would find her blood type, and get the booklet Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type for her type, and elimate all the avoids for her blood type. It may very well be that the wrong foods are effecting her ph- and that will cause the itch.
Also following this is more long term healthy for her, so no down side.
best, k
Try Witch Hazel wipes the kind used for hemmrohids.
I would agree with the possible fissure and perhaps invest in flushable wipes. When this happens to my son, i clean him with a wet washcloth and then apply vasoline. This usually stops all issues. I also usually try to get him the bath/shower within a few hours of going to the bathroom.
IF she isn't wiping correctly, meaning if she is not doing a very good job and leaving any remnant behind, either bacteria from fecal matter or toilet paper could be causing the itching. How do you know it's not a parasite problem, has the doctor taken a stool sample to know for sure? If you know for sure without a doubt that she is free and clear of parasites, then I might suggest she try using a wet wipe after she has a bowel movement. Maybe that is the problem.
My father in law had this problem, and he has s wheat-glue issue. I don't know if that helps.